Consumer Spending During a COVID-19 Lockdown Shelter-in-place orders, lockdowns, and shutdowns in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) are wreaking havoc on workers and businesses across the United States and the world. If the experience of other countries is any indication, … Read More

BEA RIMS II Multipliers Updated
On March 29 last week, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (“BEA”) announced that new multipliers for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (“RIMS II”) had been released. The new multipliers have been updated to reflect 2016 regional data; they replace the … Read More

Three-way Loss: An Economic Development Lesson in the Cancellation of Triathlon Event in Torrance Beach
Canceling a scheduled triathlon event just four days before it is supposed to take place is a loss for athletes, the event organizer, and the city. While the potential was a win-win-win, a dispute over payments for traffic control and … Read More
When do states release updated TEA data?
***Updated March 2, 2016*** At some point in the next few months, most states will be replacing CY14 TEA data with CY15. First, why do we care when a state updates TEA data? In short, TEA-eligibility for a project can change … Read More
When do states release updated TEA data?
***Updated May 13, 2015*** The majority of states have completed their annual data update and are now using 2014 annual data. For those dedicated and loyal readers of the Impact DataSource TEA blogs, you may have noticed a recurring theme: … Read More