Impact DashBoard

Economic Development Software

WATCH: Impact DashBoard in Two Minutes
Change the Way Your EDO Operates

Say goodbye to clunky spreadsheets and PDFs.
Send and receive intuitive economic development project questionnaires in a beautifully formatted electronic format.

Get to the bottom line clearly and consistently.
How it Works
Send an Electronic Data Request
Use the Impact DashBoard data form to send an online ED questionnaire to your prospect via email.
Receive Prospect Information
NAICS Industry, Jobs, Capital Investment, and a whole lot more.
Collect all of the relevant inputs you’ll need to generate an economic development impact report in Impact DashBoard.
Generate an Impact Report
Run the prospect’s inputs through the Impact DashBoard model and produce engaging reports.
Evaluate All Options
Create multiple scenarios of the analysis to evaluate the ROI of a tax abatement, job creation grant, or other types of incentives.
Get and Stay Organized
Put your project in the Win column in Impact DashBoard. Add tags to identify projects with similar attributes and upload documents to stay organized.
For Economic Developers Only
Impact DataSource is laser focused on the needs of economic development organizations and governments. Accordingly, Impact DashBoard is available exclusively to economic development organizations and governments.

how to get started
Get a Quote
Tell us which counties and municipalities your model should cover and we will send you a quote.
Leave it to Us
Impact DataSource will research and configure your model and keep it up to date when tax rates change.
Transform Your Community
Use Impact DashBoard to collect, organize, and analyze all of your economic development data.
Get Help When You Need It
We are available for one-on-one training or support at no additional fee.