ED Secret from 014: ED Microsite Marketing

During this month’s episode of Economic Development Secrets, Kristin Reese, Executive Director of the Cleveland County Economic Development Partnership, emphasizes how vital marketing is in the economic development field. From creating community awareness to helping your businesses market themselves, ED professionals truly need to stay current on marketing trends. Kristin shares how her organization is creating a microsite to enhance their city website and express the community’s quality of life.

We’re also looking at investing in what is called a microsite. We have our traditional economic development website here, but we’re looking at taking it a step further and creating a microsite that actually is promoting many of the place-based attributes of our community, but also is incorporating a career and job search engine. We want to have everything really compiled and consolidated into one site where they not only can research the attributes of our community, they can search careers at the same time and they can really get to know the manufacturers who are operating here. We’re planning on really spotlighting those manufacturers and the unique qualities of those manufacturers.

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