Analyze an ED Incentive (Non-Tax Incentive)

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Impact DashBoard allows you to model an ED incentive in the context of the impact of a project. Here are the basic steps required to model an ED incentive.

  1. Enter Project-specific information into the Scenario Info page to generate a basic impact report xlinkx.
  2. Click on the Public Support page within the Scenario Workspace.
  3. Click on the tab corresponding to the Taxing District that will provide the ED incentive. For example, click on the City tab to model an ED incentive from the City.
  4. Scroll down to the section called Non-Tax Incentive.
  5. Specify the ED incentive by choosing the incentive approach and entering values.
  6. The modeled ED incentive results will be shown on the right and throughout the Reports.

Note: Grants, paid-for infrastructure improvements, free/discounted land can all be modeled as a non-tax incentive. Property, sales, or hotel tax incentives should be modeled in the appropriate Public Support section.

Learn more about interpreting the incentive ROI analysis and other incentives:

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